All Time Stats

Cleveland Browns Career Leaders

Passing | Rushing | Recieving | Kicking | Punting | Returns | Defensive | Scoring | Total Yardage | Misc. | Yearly Leaders | Individuals

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Rushing Touchdowns

Last First Rush Yards Avg TD
Brown Jim 2359 12312 5.21 106
Kelly Leroy 1727 7274 4.21 74
Pruitt Mike 1633 6657 4.07 47
Mack Kevin 1291 5123 3.96 46
Graham Otto 405 882 2.17 44
Motley Marion 826 4712 5.70 31
Byner Earnest 862 3364 3.90 27
Pruitt Greg 1118 5379 4.81 25
Jones Dub 454 1910 4.20 20
Jones Special Delivery 289 1509 5.22 18
Scott Bo 554 2124 3.83 18
Mitchell Bobby 423 2297 5.43 16
Miller Cleo 547 2303 4.21 15
Green Ernie 668 3204 4.79 15
Sipe Brian 223 762 3.41 11
Phipps Mike 198 1152 5.81 11
Metcalf Eric 592 2229 3.76 11
Carpenter Ken 238 1186 4.98 11
Bassett Mo 223 891 3.99 10
Hoard Leroy 550 2203 4 10
White Charles 276 942 3.41 9
Modzelewski Ed 311 1097 3.52 8
Boedecker Bill 159 717 4.50 8
Plum Milt 125 204 1.63 8
Prentice Travis 173 512 2.95 7
Brown Ken 376 1193 3.17 7
Hanulak Chet 184 671 3.64 7
Johnson Ron 137 471 3.43 7
Jagade Chick 150 747 4.98 6
McKinnis Hugh 223 855 3.83 6
Greenwood Don 95 368 3.87 6
Dickey Curtis 137 529 3.86 6
Kirby Terry 130 452 3.47 6
Carpenter Lew 156 623 3.99 6
Reynolds Billy 165 550 3.33 6
Morrison Curley 293 1398 4.77 6
Manoa Tim 209 794 3.79 5
Smith Galyon 62 240 3.87 5
Testaverde Vinny 57 173 3.03 4
Renfro Ray 137 682 4.97 4
Kosar Bernie 162 216 1.33 4
Scales Charlie 71 300 4.22 4
Colella Tom 55 255 4.63 4
Ryan Frank 229 1032 4.50 4
Ratterman George 27 22 0.81 3
Cowen Bob 71 280 3.94 3
Phelps Don 55 263 4.78 3
Green Boyce 306 1170 3.82 3
Vardell Tommy 289 1070 3.70 3
O'Connell Tom 38 35 0.92 3
Bumgardner Rex 121 395 3.26 3
Hill Calvin 138 516 3.73 2
Poole Larry 133 588 4.42 2
Lund Bill 37 177 4.78 2
Morrison Reece 156 513 3.28 2
Carrier Mark 5 40 8 2
Moriarty Pat 14 11 0.78 2
Taseff Carl 13 49 3.76 2
Davis Johnny 25 76 3.04 2
Newsome Ozzie 18 135 7.50 2
Mason Larry 56 207 3.69 2
Morris Joe 93 289 3.10 2
Adamle Tony 60 255 4.25 2
Collins Larry 22 64 2.90 1
Kinard Billy 1 27 27 1
Nelsen Bill 39 -5 -0.12 1
Jones Keith 43 160 3.72 1
Couch Tim 51 323 6.33 1
Oliphant Mike 15 97 6.46 1
Minniear Randy 12 39 3.25 1
Miller Mark 8 61 7.62 1
Lahr Warren 12 54 4.50 1
McDonald Paul 37 6 0.16 1
Langhorne Reggie 8 34 4.25 1
Detmer Ty 6 38 6.33 1
Dewar Jim 14 64 4.57 1
Lewis Cliff 54 48 0.88 1
Leigh Charlie 23 144 6.26 1
Susteric Ed 23 114 4.95 1
Gautt Prentice 28 159 5.67 1
Sensenbaugher Dean 18 59 3.27 1
Holt Harry 5 36 7.20 1
Atkins Al 5 42 8.40 1
Horvath Les 10 35 3.50 1
Hall Dino 27 194 7.18 1
Fekete Gene 26 106 4.07 1
Redden Barry 41 179 4.36 1
Cole Emerson 72 357 4.95 1
Gainer Derrick 30 81 2.70 1
Wilson Tom 46 141 3.06 1
Smith Bob 37 142 3.83 1
White Lorenzo 62 163 2.62 1
Caleb Jamie 8 60 7.50 1
Franklin Bobby 3 -9 -3 1
Carpenter Preston 195 848 4.34 1
Parseghian Ara 44 166 3.77 1
Fontenot Herman 68 225 3.30 1
Philcox Todd 3 2 0.66 1
This page has been visited 148 times since 6/22/01
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