Credits for Browns History

To all of those that have helped....

I have decided to create a listing of all of my sources. After all, there is no way that anyone can remember all of this information. In trying to be the most complete source on Cleveland Browns information, I have searched high and low for recounts of games, statistics, opinions, photography, and artwork. All of the backgrounds and most of the buttons that appear on this site are creations of myself from scratch. I have no problem with anyone using anything that they want to, all I ask is that you be so kind as to put a link to this site on yours. As is always the case with information in mass amounts, there are bound to be mistakes. These mistakes are most likely from my typing, so if there is something incorrect on these pages, please, let me know. Well, here's the list, in no particular order, ....I'll try to make it as complete as possible.


Tons of useful information, statistics, pics and more. This was my intitial starting point for this site.

The Browns Fan World Wide Network

A network of sites (one of which is this one) that is dedicated to bringing great Browns material of all sorts to the greatest fans on earth

Some very interesting material on this site. Football helmet art was especially fascinating. Definately worth checking out. Thank you for the standings of the AFL teams from the 1930's.

The Fan's Site

BTNG Water Cooler
Here's a special shout to the forum I use to plug my site ALL THE TIME!!!

The Cleveland Kennel Club

The Cleveland Kennel Club

Official site of Hanford - the original DAWG. Some good links on this page - couldn't have done it without you!

The home of the Cleveland Browns. The official site. I chose this logo because it's the best one on the page. I received all of the team photos from this site.

One of the best pure research sites on the net, if you are willing to dig for information. This is where I got most of my AAFC history at.

This is the most complete statistical database for the NFL on the net. Unfortunately, it isn't complete. I have acquired all of my stats from '88 and up from this site.

Cleveland Browns: Great Teams, Great Years
Jack Clarey
The Pro Football Encyclopedia
Browns Memories
E. Long
Cleveland Browns Media Guide
Cleveland Browns
Total Browns
Total Football II
The Best of the Cleveland Browns Memories
Russell Schnieder
Legends By the Lake
John Keim
NFL 2000 Record and Fact Book
Workman Publishing
Municipal Stadium - Memories on the Lakefront
George Cormack
Athlon Pro Football Series (1992/94)
92 and 94
Fumble! (The Browns, Modell, and the Move)
Mike Poplar

The Fans:

Sam Chambers
Tom McDowell

This page has been visited 402 times since 6/22/01
Cleveland Browns History is an independent football site dedicated to giving all fans free access to a complete library of Cleveland Browns information. This site is not affiliated with the Cleveland Browns, the National Football League, or any of their affiliates. This site does not generate profit, nor does it have expenditures. All photographs are property of their respective owners and may not be reproduced.
All code, content, and format is copyright 2000-2001 FDM Netertainment Services, Frank D. Mann, and/or the Cleveland Browns History Site unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. All articles and editorials may be reproduced provided appropriate credit is given to this site.