All Time Stats

Cleveland Browns Career Leaders

Passing | Rushing | Recieving | Kicking | Punting | Returns | Defensive | Scoring | Total Yardage | Misc. | Yearly Leaders | Individuals

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Punting Yards - Total

Last First Punt Yards Avg
Cockroft Don 651 26280 40.36
Gillom Horrace 492 21211 43.11
Collins Gary 336 13768 40.97
Gossett Jeff 279 11319 40.56
Hansen Brian 239 10112 42.30
Evans Johnny 214 8460 39.53
Cox Steve 190 7923 41.70
Wagner Brian 175 6669 38.10
Tupa Tom 145 6042 41.66
Gardocki Chris 108 4819 44.62
Baker Sam 108 4605 42.63
Colella Tom 97 3645 37.57
Konz Kenny 61 2398 39.31
Coleman Greg 61 2392 39.21
Deschaine Dick 50 2065 41.30
Runager Max 47 1885 40.10
Morrison Curley 38 1562 41.10
Wren Junior 28 1035 36.96
Shofner Jim 23 860 37.39
Winslow George 18 616 34.22
Kelly Leroy 10 407 40.70
Walters Dale 11 401 36.45
Evans Fred 8 296 37
Franklin Bobby 5 154 30.80
Allen Ermal 4 135.20 33.80
Lahr Warren 3 125 41.66
Mays Dave 2 91 45.50
Speedie Mac 3 84 28
Lewis Cliff 1 18 18
This page has been visited 448 times since 6/22/01
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