Browns History - Rosters

Cleveland Browns Roster


A - Colinet | Collins - Graf | Graham - Kingrea | Kirk - Parrish | Parseghian - Stover | Stracka - Zeno

Last First Pos College Years
Parseghian Ara RB Miami-Ohio 48-49
Patten Joel T Duke 80
Paul Don DB Washington St. 54-58
Payton Eddie KR Jackson State 77
Peebles Danny WR N.C. State 91
Pena Bob G Massachusetts 72
Perini Pete RB Ohio State 55
Perry Michael Dean DE Clemson 88-94
Perry Rod CB Colorado 83-84
Peters Floyd DT San Fran. St. 59-62
Peters Tony DB Oklahoma 75-78
Petersen Ted T Eastern Illinois 84
Petitbon John DB N. Dame 55-56
Phelps Don RB Kentucky 50-51
Philcox Todd QB Syracuse 91-93
Phipps Mike QB Purdue 70-76
Pierce Steve WR Illinois *87
Pietrosante Nick RB N. Dame 66-67
Pike Chris DL Tulsa 89-90
Piskor Ray T Niagara 47
Pitts Frank WR Southern U. 71-73
Pitts John DB Arizona State 75
Pleasant Anthony DE Tenn St 90-94
Plum Milt QB Penn State 57-61
Polley Tom LB UNLV *87
Poole Larry RB Kent State 75-77
Pope Marquez DB Fresno State 99-
Powell Preston RB Grambling 61
Powell Ronnie WR NW State 99-
Prestel Jim T Idaho 60
Pritchett Billy RB W. Texas St. 75
Pruitt Greg RB Oklahoma 73-81
Pruitt Mike RB Purdue 76-84
Ptacek Bob QB Michigan 59
Pucci Ben DT No College 48
Putnam Duane G Coll. of Pacific 61
Puzzuoli Dave NT Pittsburgh 83-87
Pyne Jim DT Virginia Tech 99-
Quinlan Bill DE Mich. State 57-58
Quinlan Voiney RB San Diego St. 56
Quinton Dustin OL UNLV. ##91
Raimey Dave DB Michigan 64
Rainer Wally LB Virginia 99-
Rakoczy Gregg OL Miami 87-90
Ratterman George QB N. Dame 52-56
Rechichar Bert DB Tennessee 52
Redden Barry RB Richmond 89-90
Reeves Ken OL Texas A&M 90
Reeves Walter TE Auburn 94
Rehberg Scott OL Central Michigan 99-
Renfro Ray WR N. Texas St. 52-63
Reynolds Billy RB Pitt. 53-54, 57
Reynolds Chuck C Tulsa 69-70
Rhome Jerry QB Tulsa 69
Rich Randy DB New Mexico 78-79
Richardson Gloster WR Jack. St. 72-74
Riddick Louis DB Pittsburgh 93-94
Rienstra John OL Temple 91-92
Righetti Joe DT Waynesburg 69-70
Risien Cody T Texas A&M 79-83, 85-89
Roan Oscar TE S.M.U. 75-78
Robbins Kevin OT Michigan St. ##89, 90
Roberts Walter WR San Jose St. 64-66
Robinson Billy DB Arizona St. *87
Robinson DeJuan DB N. Arizona *87
Robinson Fred G Washington 57
Robinson Mike DE Arizona 81-82
Rockins Chris S Oklahoma St. 84-87
Rogers Don S UCLA 84-85
Rogers. Tyrone   DT   99-
Rokisky John DE Duquesne 46
Roman Nick DE Ohio State 72-74
Romaniszyn Jim LB Edinboro St. 73-74
Rose Ken LB UNLV 90
Rouson Lee RB Colorado 91
Rowe Patrick WR San Diego State 93
Rowell Eugene WR S. Mississippi 90
Rucker Reggie WR Boston U. 75-81
Runager Max P South Carolina 88
Rusinek Mike NT California *87
Ryan Frank QB Rice 62-68
Rymkus Lou T Notre Dame 46-51
Rypien Mark QB Washington St. 94
Saban Lou LB Indiana 46-49
Sabatino Bill DT Colorado 68
Sagapolutele Pio DL Hawaii 91-94
St. Clair Mike DE Grambling 76-79
Salek Tarek FB Wisconsin 99-
Sandusky John T Villanova 50-55
Sanford Lucius LB Georgia Tech 87
Scales Charley RB Indiana 62-65
Scarry Mike C Waynesburg 46-47
Schafrath Dick G-T Ohio State 59-71
Schoen Tom DB Notre Dame 70
Schultz Randy RB Iowa St. Tchrs. 66
Schwenk Bud QB Wash. U. 46
Scott Bo RB Ohio State 69-74
Scott Clarence DB Kansas St. 71-83
Sczurek Stan LB Purdue 63-65
Seifert Mike DE Wisconsin 74
Selawski Gene T Purdue 60
Sensanbaugher Dean RB Oh. St. 48
Sharkey Ed G Nevada 53
Shavers Tyrone WR Lamar 91
Sheppard Henry G-T SMU 76-81
Sheppard Leslie WR Temple 99-
Sheriff Stan G California Poly 57
Sherk Jerry DT Oklahoma St. 70-81
Shiner Dick QB Maryland 67
Shoals Roger T Maryland 63-64
Shofner Jim DB Texas Chrst. 58-63
Shorter Jim DB Detroit 62-63
Shula Don DB John Carroll 51-52
Shurnas Marshall WR Missouri 47
Sikich Mike G Northwestern 71
Sikora Robert T Indiana #84
Simonetti Len DT Tennessee 46-48
Simons Kevin OT Tennessee ##89
Sims Darryl DE Wisconsin *87-88
Sims Mickey DT S.C. St. 77-79
Sipe Brian QB San Diego St. 74-83
Skibinski Joe G Purdue 52
Slaughter Webster WR San Diego St. 86-91
Slayden Steve QB Duke #88
Smith Bob LB Nebraska 55-56
Smith Daryle OT Tennessee 89
Smith Gaylon RB Southwestern 46
Smith Irv TE Notre Dame 99-
Smith Jim Ray G Baylor 56-62
Smith John WR Tennessee St. 79
Smith Ken TE New Mexico 73
Smith Leroy LB Iowa ##92
Smith Marquis DB California 99-
Smith Ralph TE Mississippi 65-68
Smith Rico WR Colorado 92-94
Snidow Ron DE Oregon 68-72
Sparenberg Dave G W. Ontario *87
Speedie Mac WR Utah 46-52
Speer Del S Florida 93-94
Spencer Joe DT Oklahoma St. 49
Spriggs Marcus DT Troy State 99-
Stams Frank LB Notre Dame 92-94
Staroba Paul WR Michigan 72
Steinbrunner Don DE Wash. St. 53
Stephens Larry DT Texas 60-61
Steuber Bob RB Missouri 46
Stevenson Rickey CB Arizona 70
Stewart Andrew DE Cincinnati 89
Stienke Jim DB S.W. Texas St. 73
Stover Matt K LSU 91-94

A - Colinet | Collins - Graf | Graham - Kingrea | Kirk - Parrish | Parseghian - Stover | Stracka - Zeno

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