Browns History Newsletter

Old School (7/01) - While browsing my old files, I came across the very first version of this site, which was posted on April 15, 2000. If you want a good laugh (and you will laugh, like I did), visit it HERE. None of the links work on this page anymore, as I have restructured my directories, but it is good to reflect on the past once and a while

Current Issue - As Promised, this month's newsletter is dedicated to Bernie Kosar. Read about his draft status, his great Cleveland career, his release from the Browns, and what he was able to do afterwords with other teams. Traditional site update info as well as "This Month in Browns History" can also be found, so print it out, roll it up, and take it to your favorite reading room!

Sign up to recieve the Browns History Newsletter via email here:
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Subscription benefits include a seven day sneak preview, along with a chance to voice your opinion. If you are a subscriber, and have a comment, just contact me when you get the newsletter. I will post your comments on the current newsletter for all to read!
This page has been visited 938 times since 6/22/01
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All code, content, and format is copyright 2000-2001 FDM Netertainment Services, Frank D. Mann, and/or the Cleveland Browns History Site unless otherwise specified. All rights reserved. All articles and editorials may be reproduced provided appropriate credit is given to this site.