Stump the Answer Mann

Stump the Answer Mann - Rules


Do you think you know something about the Browns that the venerable Frank D. Mann doesn't? If so, do this:

1. Come up with a question. It has to be a legitamate factual Browns question. ("What did Tony Jones say to me at the stadium at the end of the game while he was walking to the locker room? "doesn't work)
2. Fill out the Answer Man form, and be sure to check the box that says "Stumper"
3. Be sure to put your email address in, so I can reply. Your question will be posted on this site, but your email address wont.
4. Wait 30 days. When I find the answer, I will post it and place it on the site. I will also email it to you.
5. If I can't come up with the answer, you will win. You get your name on the site, and a cool (but cheap) prize to be determined at that time.

Got it? Good. Now,

Fill out the form and try to win!!