Stump the Answer Mann - Rules
Do you think you know something about the Browns that the venerable Frank D. Mann doesn't? If so, do this:
1. Come up with a question. It has to be a legitamate factual Browns question. ("What did Tony Jones say to me at the stadium at the end of the game while he was walking to the locker room? "doesn't work) |
2. Fill out the Answer Man form, and be sure to check the box that says "Stumper" |
3. Be sure to put your email address in, so I can reply. Your question will be posted on this site, but your email address wont. |
4. Wait 30 days. When I find the answer, I will post it and place it on the site. I will also email it to you. |
5. If I can't come up with the answer, you will win. You get your name on the site, and a cool (but cheap) prize to be determined at that time. |
Got it? Good. Now,
Fill out the form and try to win!!